I kept a book log in 2019 and will strive to do the same in 2020. The Guardians – a John Grisham novel about freeing innocent men and women from prison for crimes they did not commit. Pre-print of a physician written auto-biography – patient cases, poems and self-reflection. Confessions of a Curious Bookseller: A […]
Tag: Kindle
2019 Book Log
Reading, I suppose, is a hobby. I don’t think to add it as an interest on social profiles or applications, but reading for pleasure is something I do daily. Since a large amount of my workday is reading and editing non-fiction my pleasure reading is mostly non-fiction. Here’s a partial list of the books I […]
Find books for the paramedics and EMTs on your shopping list in the Everyday EMS Bookstore. Start with my Top 9 and also check out all of the other books by paramedics. Or if you need a break from shopping take a break with the EMS1 Christmas collection. Need more book ideas. Check out these posts: 15 […]
Reading and running are my top two hobbies. I find both of them relaxing and refreshing. I also get a recharge or energy boost and many ideas come to me while doing both. Today I had a fantastic run in Wausau, Wisconsin – an out and back from the soccer fields to and through downtown. […]
My Amazon Prime Day Shopping List
With guarded optimism and a predisposition for disappointment here are the items I will be looking for impossibly, amazing pricing on Amazon Prime Day 2016. Standing desk, preferably electrically adjustable. Kindle Fire HD to replace my first generation Kindle Fire. Complete Calvin and Hobbes collection (for my kid!). Twenty to 50 hockey pucks. We need more […]
Last week at the Indiana Primary Instructor Symposium I used Remind101.com to text key points and questions to the audience during the presentations. One of the questions I asked was: What are your favorite apps? Attendees sent me these favorite apps: Metronome Hazlite Google calendar MyScript Calculator Umano PediStat Dropbox Kindle YouTube QR scanner Pinterest […]
Author and EMT Michael Morse has made his 2nd book, Responding, available for free Kindle download today (Saturday, April 26). Get it. Now. Find other books by EMTs and Paramedics in the Everyday EMS Tips bookstore.
January 2014 Media: 3 Lists of 3
Between illness and two rounds of the polar vortex I spent a lot of time indoors during January. I even had to take a sick day (aka personal day) because I was actually sick! With all that time indoors I cranked through a lot of “media.” 3 Books [amazon-product text=”The Widow File” type=”text”]B00C1LUR0O[/amazon-product] – I downloaded this […]
Extra Downtime: Three Things Tuesday
If you are or someone you know is suddenly faced with some extra downtime you might consider: 1. Watch lots of videos and read lots of books with an Amazon Prime subscription. After my annual Pandora subscription, Amazon Prime is easily the 2nd best subscription I purchase each year. Amazon Prime includes instant access to […]
New ECG Book and Resource Collection
Dr. Ken Grauer sent me an email earlier this week. His [amazon-product text=”ECG-2014 Pocket Brain” type=”text”]1930553250[/amazon-product] 4th edition is now available on Amazon. Remember you can find this and many other ECG Titles in the Everyday EMS Tips bookstore. Earlier this week I updated the most visited page on this blog, Where can I practice reading […]