Me (running ~7:15 pace) Man driving in truck “call me an Uber” Me “huh” Man “can I get an Uber Me (stopped running) Man “how do I get to Hoover Ave.?” Me (gives man directions) Man “have a good jog” Me (that hurts) Me (continue running)
Tag: Run
The Green Circle Trail is accessible about a half-mile from my house. From their I can run, walk and bike throughout my hometown, Stevens Point. The Green Circle Trail is a great community treasure. Come visit or relocate to central Wisconsin.
Reading and running are my top two hobbies. I find both of them relaxing and refreshing. I also get a recharge or energy boost and many ideas come to me while doing both. Today I had a fantastic run in Wausau, Wisconsin – an out and back from the soccer fields to and through downtown. […]
The EMS Appreciation Week 2016 5K/10K is a virtual running race hosted by the Virtual Running Club during EMS Week with a portion of each registration fee going to the National EMS Memorial Foundation. (read about the race on EMS1) I ran my 10K, which can be run any time during EMS week for medal eligibility, this […]
Two Runs Two Oceans
In late March I ran to a beach on the Gulf of Mexico. This morning I ran from a hotel near LAX to a beach on the Pacific Ocean. When I travel I try to run to specific points of interest.
EMS Week 5K and 10K #EMSVRC
Join me for an EMS Week 5K or 10K virtual run. The organizers promise “A portion of each registration will go to support the National EMS Memorial Foundation.” Registration is open up to EMS Week, but if you register by April 24 you will get a shirt in time for race week. When you register […]
In our off time we can share with and support others, especially other EMS providers. Do you have time, talent, and treasure you can share? Treasure Consider joining me in making a contribution the American Cancer Society Relay for Life on behalf of Jeff (@JEFF_EMT) Armstrong. Back the Frequent Flyers and Jakes Firefighters Comic Kickstarter. I […]
As quickly as possible because there is lots to be done. Our Sunday dash, making the most of the good weather: Washing windows and screens Placing rain barrels 5 mile run Several dog walks Cleaning the grill Cooking burgers Laundry Vacuuming All sorts of cleaning A bit of cleaning Watching NHL playoff hockey … Go […]
EMS World Expo 2015
The largest EMS conference in North America officially opens this morning. I arrived Tuesday to begin the EMS1 special coverage of the event. If you are at EMS World Expo I hope you will say hello or maybe join me for an early morning run on the strip Friday. Here is @gfriese getting his next […]
From any location, right click and select, “Measure Distance”