I kept a book log in 2019 and will strive to do the same in 2020. The Guardians – a John Grisham novel about freeing innocent men and women from prison for crimes they did not commit. Pre-print of a physician written auto-biography – patient cases, poems and self-reflection. Confessions of a Curious Bookseller: A […]
Tag: Peter Canning
1. Layperson administration of naloxone increasing in New Hampshire In 2017 the volume of naloxone administered by EMS personnel decreased in Manchester, N.H. The amount administered by laypeople increased. “Number of overdose deaths in Manchester decreased by 27 percent in 2016, according to Chris Stawasz, regional director for AMR in Nashua. However, total overdoses, including […]
The President’s opioid commission issued its (overdue) draft report this week. The commission makes many reasonable recommendations, but has seemingly failed to consider the expertise of EMS in understanding the epidemic, the thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of patients being saved by EMS, the opportunity for EMS to steer addicts towards treatment, and the staggering costs […]
Foreword for City Life
Michael Morse has long been one of my favorite EMS authors. It was a true honor when he asked me to write the foreword to his book “City Life.” Reprinted here with Morse’s permission: — What kind of paramedic do I want to be? How do I want to treat patients? How do I want my […]
EMS Blogs I Read
My list of EMS blogs I read has gotten pretty short in the last couple of years. What other blogs should I add to this list? I read … The Happy Medic Ambulance Driver Files Rescuing Providence MedicScribe Flirting with Adrenaline Fire EMS Leader Pro It seems that many of my favorite EMS bloggers post […]
Do you use the “mom empathy machine” during patient care and assessment? Read a few of my thoughts on pain management in a June EMS1.com column. Also check out EMSEduCast episode 173 on pain management.
In episode 173 of the EMSEduCast guest Peter Canning discusses Pain Management. Peter shares that pain management has rekindled his EMS career. He states, “Pain management is a daily opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.” Visit the EMSEduCast page to listen to Pain Management in EMS Education Peter Canning has been a full-time […]
Mike Morse posted the Top 10 Reasons to Write an EMS Book on Rescuing Providence. Here are my 10 reasons to buy a book from the Everyday EMS Tips Books Store by authors like Peter Canning, Michael Morse, and Kelly Grayson. 10. Book authors have bills to pay. When you buy their book for yourself […]
Peter Canning has been writing a series of posts, Street Lessons. All of them are excellent, but #5 The Hand Drop Test is my favorite. The hand drop test is one of those terrible pseudo assessments that burnt-out medics pass onto students and new employees. Other than mocking or discrediting the patient it serves little […]
Two of my favorite EMS authors, Peter Canning and Michael Morse, have shared their thoughts on the hot topic of EMS and concealed carry. Guns and EMS by Peter Canning on the Medic Scribe Blog Real Protection is Not Carrying a Gun on Duty by Michael Morse at EMS1.com