1. EMT Mousa Chaban, 32, died of injuries after ambulance collision (EMS1.com) “Chaban was partially ejected from the ambulance and died from his injuries.” The driver of the ambulance, Christine Wesner, failed to stop at a red light, and “allegedly fell asleep and crashed into another vehicle.” Resource: 5 evidence-based guidelines for fatigue management in EMS 2. […]
Tag: Indiana
Nick Montelauro, an EMS educator, shared this top after the Indiana Primary Instructor EMS Conference. Nick wrote: “You mentioned Evernote and how you hadn’t really found a use for it yet. If you haven’t already, make sure you try the “Web Clipper” (I use it in Chrome). It makes the process of saving articles, images, […]
Last week at the Indiana Primary Instructor Symposium I used Remind101.com to text key points and questions to the audience during the presentations. One of the questions I asked was: What are your favorite apps? Attendees sent me these favorite apps: Metronome Hazlite Google calendar MyScript Calculator Umano PediStat Dropbox Kindle YouTube QR scanner Pinterest […]
Today I am presenting to the Indiana Primary Instructor Symposium in Indianapolis. I am honored to have been invited to the event by St. Vincent Hospital EMS. Below are the slides I presented. Cheating in EMS Education Is it Cheating or Group Problem Solving from Greg Friese Handheld Wizardry Integrating Smartphones and Tablet Devices into EMS […]