News and Events

Has the iPhone made EMS better?

Today is the 15th birthday of the iPhone, a device which I use daily and is hardly ever more than an arm’s reach away. But today I take a contrarian view about the impact of the iPhone on EMS. 7 ways the iPhone ruined EMS

EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Distracted Driving Carrot or Stick – Zero Commercial Aviation Fatalities

1. Carrot, stick or both to reduce distracted driving Christina Dempsey, a Virginia firefighter-paramedic, is pushing for tougher distracted driving laws in her state. “I really want to see this law go through. It may help prevent other families from going through what my family has and continues to go through.” On Aug. 27, 2013, […]


Make Alexa your Ambulance Partner

On a whim – which I rarely have – I purchased the Amazon Echo device through a Prime member pre-purchase offer. I have been enamored with Alexa ever since setting up the device in my kitchen and regularly imagine Alexa (or Google or Siri) as an ambulance partner. Those day dreams, along with everyday use […]

News and Events

5 Tips to Make EMS World Expo Great

EMS World Expo 2016 kicks off this morning in New Orleans with the World Trauma Symposium and half- and full-day pre-conferences. I am planning to split my day at the World Trauma Symposium and the PR Boot Camp. Here are five quick tips to make EMS World Expo 2016 great. Download the app from the […]


SCOTTeVEST Featherweight Vest

I only have one phone, but I regularly see people with two phones – a work phone and a personal phone. Some people even add a tablet with a stylus. Then a wallet, house/car keys, a water bottle and a few snacks. These items are either bursting out of their pockets or tucked under their […]

EMS Tips

We live in a world of crazy people

As a teen and a college student my mom said to me at least 1000 times, “It’s not you that I  worry about, it’s all the crazy people in the world.” I am not sure if there are more crazy people now or if we just know more about the crazy people through their tweets, […]

Social Media Tips

Arrowhead EMS Conference Slides

I am presenting two sessions at the Arrowhead EMS Conference in Duluth, Minnesota on Friday, January 23, 2015. Below are the slide decks. Distraction is Deadly from Greg Friese Social Media Concepts and Tools for EMS Education from Greg Friese

EMS Education Tips

Recap of ISFSI Fall Conference Presentations

Last week I presented two sessions at the ISFSI Fall Instructor Conference. Both groups were engaged and added lots of great information to the sessions. Fortunately I arrived plenty early to set-up and test the projector settings. It took a several attempts to figure out why my slides were not being projected. Then I looked […]


2014 ISFSI Fall Conference at Ohio Fire Academy Slides

Today I am presenting two talks to the International Society of Fire Science Instructors Fall Conference attendees at the Ohio Fire Academy. Below are the slides for those presentations. Learn more about the ISFSI Fall Conference. Distraction is Deadly from Greg Friese Integrating Smartphones and Tablet Devices into Fire and EMS Education from Greg Friese

EMS Education Tips

Part 2 of App Recommendations from Indiana Primary Instructor Symposium

Nick Montelauro, an EMS educator, shared this top after the Indiana Primary Instructor EMS Conference. Nick wrote: “You mentioned Evernote and how you hadn’t really found a use for it yet. If you haven’t already, make sure you try the “Web Clipper” (I use it in Chrome). It makes the process of saving articles, images, […]