I logged 246 activities in my Garmin Connect account during 2013. 1828.41 miles 208:45:56 (h:m:s) 151,819 Calories Of the 246 activities, 155 were runs. 1,007.92 miles 145:19:56 h:m:s I ran in Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and Wisconsin Ran new PR’s in 5k, 10k, and half marathon Completed two marathons – […]
Tag: Boston
I seem to have a knack for being nearby mass casualty incidents (I was in Reno at the time of the airshow crash. I finished the Boston Marathon 40 minutes before the bombing). Camp Randall Crush 20 years ago this week I was a senior at the University of Wisconsin and a member of the […]
We are EMS and We Go In #EMSWeek
I belong to many communities. Two of which I am most proud to belong, EMS and runners, were at their best at the finish line of the Boston Marathon a month ago today. Boston EMS, countless of other EMS professionals that were medical volunteers, as well as runners, and spectators ran to give aid to […]
Note: the Boston Marathon was nearly three weeks ago. Usually I try to write a race report within hours of finishing. Because of the bombing at the finishing line many of my post marathon thoughts have been about the families impacted by death and injury that afternoon, as well as the medical responders and bystanders […]
Blogger Breakfast Meeting
Last Tuesday morning I met up with Michael Morse, author of the Rescuing Providence blog and[amazon-product text=” book (Amazon link)” type=”text”]158160629X[/amazon-product], for the first ever EMS Blogger Breakfast Meet-up in Rhode Island (at least to my knowledge). Our conversations ranged from the Boston Marathon to family to blogging to EMS to events of the American […]
April 15 2013 Text Messages “I am safe” 1503 ET text message to my wife “How was it?” 1510 ET reply from my wife “Turn on news” 1515 ET reply to my wife After receiving my message to turn on the news my wife told our children, “Daddy is safe, but we need to go home and turn […]
A Boston EMS ambulance on standby in the finisher area at the corner of Berkeley and St. James. 2:12 pm I crossed the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon. I walked several blocks to receive my finisher’s medal, food and fluids, and my bag of belongings. Then I began the walk south to the […]
Boston Marathon Medal
A black band around my medal to honor the people killed and injured at yesterday’s Boston Marathon.
Boston Marathon Finish
I am safe. As many of you know I ran the Boston Marathon today. I finished 20-30 minutes before hearing two loud booms from several blocks away. At the time there was no indication to me or the people around me that it was a bomb explosion. It wasn’t until seeing many emergency vehicles going […]
I am running to commemorate the battles of Lexington and Concord, the opening battles of the American Revolution. How are you celebrating or recognizing Patriots’ Day. Learn about Patriots’ Day (which I learned is why my kids in Wisconsin are off of school today). Runner tracking with text alert or the official marathon app (I am bib 22515)