I sat out #MedBikini, but have been enjoying reading and writing the “I have a joke …” trend on Twitter. My three entries: I have a joke about a patient handoff but had to wait 20 minutes to tell it and got cut off before the punchline. — Greg Friese, MS, NRP (@gfriese) July 25, […]
Category: Operations
With unscrupulous manufacturers selling defective masks and citizens donating ‘homemade’ efforts, public safety agencies must establish face mask guidelines. Read seven considerations for purchasing face masks or allowing the use of donated face masks at PoliceOne.com. 7 face mask purchasing and policy considerations for police, fire, EMS and corrections
I don’t mind letting other cars zip by me on the interstate when the roads are snow-covered, icy, slick and slippery. Here are the reasons I drive slow: My car, a 2005 Toyota Sienna Minivan, is fully paid for and has been for at least a decade. Life without a car payment is always better […]
Use time, distance and shielding to minimize the risk of injury when responding to a motor vehicle collision. Ready my most recent EMS1 Rapid Response, updated on 1/13/2020 after additional police, fire and EMS LODDs Rapid Response: Roadway incidents are a hot zone for EMS
The Tree of Life shooter survived his shootout with police. Many, but not all, active shooters have suicide as the final act in their despicable, murderous plan. For those who don’t EMS may be called upon to triage, treat and transport the shooter. Read Rapid Response: Is EMS response different when the active shooter survives? on […]
I also thought of titling this post, “What would Fonzie do?” but that seems like a pretty dated reference. Or perhaps “How would Barney Stinson have played this situation?” Detective Jeff Payne, a Utah police officer and paramedic since 1983, became a viral news sensation when he handcuffed an emergency department nurse who refused to let him […]
Fire Truck Zamboni
The Appleton ice arena Zamboni is skinned to look like a fire truck (or engine) and sponsored by Pierce Manufacturing. These are photos I took after my son’s team won two games against Appleton. My web search for an “Ambulance Zamboni” or a “Zamboni Ambulance” only returned this result. A Zamboni with a Patriot Ambulance […]
Paramedic Chief, powered by EMS1, is expert-written articles and news for EMS leaders and aspiring EMS leaders. Regular monthly columns are written by: Jay Fitch & Associates Page, Wolfberg and Wirth Mike Taigman National EMS Management Association Read the November issue of Paramedic Chief enewsletter. Links to all Paramedic Chief eNewsletters All articles posted with can […]
EpiPens are expensive and the price has been steadily increasing for years. Since price escalation, without a clear reason, has been a fact of EMS purchasing for several years, it seems EMS leaders have largely met the media and political umbrage with a yawn. Here are three things EMS leaders can contribute to the public […]
If I was casting and outfitting an actor to play the role of paramedic on television I would make sure their costume, for the sake of authenticity, included: Stethoscope, casually slung around the neck or half tucked into a cargo pocket Smartphone, holstered on a tactical belt in an Otter Box or other type of […]