At the 2013 Teaching and Learning Conference for EMS Educators I presented Handheld Wizardry: Integrating Smartphones and Tablet Devices in EMS Education to a small group of educators. (conference schedule) SlideShare Slideshare is a tool for sharing PowerPoint presentation files, as well as other types of documents like PDFs. I regularly post the slides I present at conferences […]
Tag: Text
April 15 2013 Text Messages “I am safe” 1503 ET text message to my wife “How was it?” 1510 ET reply from my wife “Turn on news” 1515 ET reply to my wife After receiving my message to turn on the news my wife told our children, “Daddy is safe, but we need to go home and turn […]
I am running to commemorate the battles of Lexington and Concord, the opening battles of the American Revolution. How are you celebrating or recognizing Patriots’ Day. Learn about Patriots’ Day (which I learned is why my kids in Wisconsin are off of school today). Runner tracking with text alert or the official marathon app (I am bib 22515)
At the 2012 NAEMSE Symposium I attended the session Doodle! Are Your Students Learning or Distracted? by Kyle David Bates. The session was packed with information about learning and distraction and several interactive exercises. I did my best to pay attention, scrawl lots of notes, and resist the temptation of checking my email or tweeting. […]