My list of EMS blogs I read has gotten pretty short in the last couple of years. What other blogs should I add to this list? I read … The Happy Medic Ambulance Driver Files Rescuing Providence MedicScribe Flirting with Adrenaline Fire EMS Leader Pro It seems that many of my favorite EMS bloggers post […]
Tag: Blog
Yes, Read More Blogs
Seth Godin wrote, “reading more blogs is one of the best ways to become smarter, more effective and more engaged in what’s going on.” I use and recommend the Feedly RSS reader to keep up to date on my favorite EMS (and non-EMS blogs). Where to find blogs and RSS feeds: EMS1 […]
When any of these phrases lead a Facebook post, Facebook comment or blog post comment, or verbal argument I tune out. Wake up America Wake up people Think about it This didn’t happen when we were kids Sheeple What other lame rhetorical phrases cause you to tune out, turn off or, turn away?
Graphics artists and marketers for closely, loosely and totally unrelated to health care products are prone to drawing fanciful heart rhythms. I suspect many paramedics puzzle over what the illustrators had in mind for a jumble of zigs and zags that look nothing like a P-wave, QRS complex or T-Wave. Earlier this week I made the stunning […]
Working on a cup of Trauma Mama from the Java Medic and catching up with my favorite EMS blogs and news sites. Here are the articles I have worked through: Ebook Announcement: You Make the Call The Happy Medic has collected his You Make the Call blog posts into an eBook. Ketamine For Anger Management […]
A reader asked, “In January I started EMT class. I am looking for resources to learn outside of classes?” Check out these blogs: Mediccast Blog and Podcast EMS Office Hours Blog and Podcast The EMT Spot Blog I have also heard great things about the apps from Limmer Creative.
NAEMSE Symposium presentations. August 10, 2013. Washington DC. Handheld Wizardy: Integrating Smartphones and Tablets into EMS Education Integrating Smartphones Into EMS Education from Greg Friese PDF of handout Distraction is Deadly: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact Distraction is Deadly in EMS Education, Driving, and Patient Care from Greg Friese PDF of handout
Blogger Breakfast Meeting
Last Tuesday morning I met up with Michael Morse, author of the Rescuing Providence blog and[amazon-product text=” book (Amazon link)” type=”text”]158160629X[/amazon-product], for the first ever EMS Blogger Breakfast Meet-up in Rhode Island (at least to my knowledge). Our conversations ranged from the Boston Marathon to family to blogging to EMS to events of the American […]
Users of the Google Reader, an RSS feed reader from Google, probably know by know that Google Reader will expire in July. I have been using Google Reader for several years to stay up to date on my favorite EMS, Fire, Technology, Politics, and Running blogs. Since the announcement of Google Reader’s demise I have […]
One of my favorite articles to write is my annual contribution to the April Fool’s Day edition. I enjoy the chance to stretch my creative brain. Two of my past efforts: April 1, 2009: Stethoscope Calibration April 1, 2012: Prepare for the Looming Oxygen Shortage How To: When I prepare an April Fool’s Day […]