
Stethoscope, Smartphone, Trauma Shears, Gloves and Pistol

If I was casting and outfitting an actor to play the role of paramedic on television I would make sure their costume, for the sake of authenticity, included: Stethoscope, casually slung around the neck or half tucked into a cargo pocket Smartphone, holstered on a tactical belt in an Otter Box or other type of […]


Spring Winter Storm: Anticipated Operational Problems and Complaints

When the world around you looks like this at the start of your shift, what operation problems and patient complaints do you anticipate? Wet, heavy snow and high winds.

EMS Tips Operations

Vehicle Safety Tips

Driving, as you know, is a primary component of being an EMS professional. I have been thinking a lot about driving, driver technique, and driver training recently. A few weeks ago Jim Love was our guest on the EMSEduCast podcast. Jim talked passionately about the difficulties and complexities of driver training. (listen to him on […]

Audio Tips News and Events Safety Tips Social Media Tips

Office Hours Podcast: Cold Weather Ops Episode 6

Join Jim Hoffman and me for episode six of the EMS Office Hours podcast. We discussed cold weather operations and our tips and tricks for safe response when there is lots of snow on the ground. Morgan Lawrence author of The Streets Ran Red called in and gave his take on pre-planning and how that […]

EMS Tips

Look Your TV Best at Every Incident

NBC is scheduling an EMS drama for Fall 2009. I have often been told to assess and treat patients as if I was being filmed for the evening news. Watch this clip from NBC about the new show and then read Everyday EMS Tips for looking your “TV best” while on scene.

Dispatch Tips EMS Tips Health and Wellness Operations

EMS Pandemic Influenza Guidelines

EMS Pandemic Influenza Guidelines for Statewide Adoption were published in May 2007. Nearly two years later EMS agencies are revisiting those guidelines as public concern and media attention about Swine Influenza A (H1N1) grows. EMS Managers should revisit their pandemic influenza plans and make sure the following planning and preparation efforts are underway:

Dispatch Tips EMS Tips Operations

Flu Outbreak: EMS Best Practice Recommendations

To-date much of the information about the spread of swine influenza has pertained to the general public, hospital personnel, and public health departments. The EMS Chiefs of Canada, drawing off of their 2003 experience with the SARS epidemic, has issued a set of best practices for EMS agency administrators, EMTs and Paramedics, and dispatchers. Read […]

EMS Tips

CDC Swine Flu Information Video

The CDC is producing just-in-time training videos, podcasts, and information about Swine Influenza. This video was released on April 25, 2009. Watch for information about the swine flu virus (H1N1), transmission, symptoms, prevention tips, and when to seek emergency medical care. <iframe frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ height=”141″ src=”” mce_src=”” id=”SwineFluInfo” scrolling=”no” width=”197″ name=”SwineFluInfo”></iframe>

EMS Tips News and Events Operations

Use Social Media to Monitor Swine Flu

News organizations are reporting the declaration of national public health emergency as case of the Swine Influenza A(H1N1) continue to be reported in the United States. Recent cases identified in Kansas, New York, and Ohio. For the latest information on the Swine Influenza visit

EMS Tips Operations

Green Work Practices for EMS

Being “Green” is the hip thing to do, but it can also save your organization a lot of money. Is your organization doing these simple things to become more green and save green? Make recycling containers for paper, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans easily available in your stations and office areas. Regularly emptying these containers […]