This is a guest post by respiratory therapy and EMT-B student Jared Scott. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Respiratory Emergencies are Common It is estimated that as many as 1/4 911 calls are respiratory-related. We all know how to treat the individual calls, but sometimes it […]
Tag: Respiratory Illness
This is a guest post by respiratory therapy and EMT-B student Jared Scott. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. As an EMT student, I have come to realize that we are taught very simple life-saving techniques: ABC’s. Airway, breathing, and circulation.Two of these (airway and breathing) fall […]
The recent H1N1 outbreak put pandemic influenza planning and training back on the top of the list for public health departments, EMS agencies, and hospitals. The responsibility for planning and preparing belongs to all emergency responders. Every state has a state specific pandemic flu plan. Links to those plans are listed at Take a […]
There is an overwhelming amount of information being produced and distributed on the web about Swine Influenza A (H1N1). is an aggregation of timely and credible news sources on swine flu (H1N1). The top swine-flu Alltop feeds are from the CDC. now redirects to Remember to visit for the top paramedic, […]
A two part training program on Pandemic Influenza is now available at no cost to EMTs, Paramedics, first responders, and others interested in learning about the pre-hospital response to a pandemic. The two part training program gives EMS providers important information to define a pandemic, understand causes of pandemic influenza, recognize general patient symptoms, and […]
EMS Pandemic Influenza Guidelines for Statewide Adoption were published in May 2007. Nearly two years later EMS agencies are revisiting those guidelines as public concern and media attention about Swine Influenza A (H1N1) grows. EMS Managers should revisit their pandemic influenza plans and make sure the following planning and preparation efforts are underway:
The spread of swine influenza reports are dominating this morning’s news. The resources available for EMS to understand Swine Influenza development, transmission, treatment, and prevention are growing rapidly.A lot of just-in-time training is happening through emails, bulletins, intranet and blog posts. EverydayEMSTips has compiled a list of resources, information, and websites that will be helpful […]
Swine Flu Infection Control Guidelines
On April 20, 2009 the CDC published Interim Guidance on Infection Control and Antiviral Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed or Suspected Swine Influenza. The guidelines are written for public health and hospital personnel. There is no specific mention of EMT or Paramedic field contact with patients with suspected or known respiratory illness from the Swine […]
To-date much of the information about the spread of swine influenza has pertained to the general public, hospital personnel, and public health departments. The EMS Chiefs of Canada, drawing off of their 2003 experience with the SARS epidemic, has issued a set of best practices for EMS agency administrators, EMTs and Paramedics, and dispatchers. Read […]
CDC Swine Flu Information Video
The CDC is producing just-in-time training videos, podcasts, and information about Swine Influenza. This video was released on April 25, 2009. Watch for information about the swine flu virus (H1N1), transmission, symptoms, prevention tips, and when to seek emergency medical care. <iframe frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ height=”141″ src=”” mce_src=”” id=”SwineFluInfo” scrolling=”no” width=”197″ name=”SwineFluInfo”></iframe>