If I was casting and outfitting an actor to play the role of paramedic on television I would make sure their costume, for the sake of authenticity, included: Stethoscope, casually slung around the neck or half tucked into a cargo pocket Smartphone, holstered on a tactical belt in an Otter Box or other type of […]
Tag: Weapon
In this EMS1.com column, Active Shooter Response: Are you physically ready?, I lay out what I believe may be some of the physical challenges related to EMS response. I definitely want you to defer to your local protocols and follow orders as issued by the incident command. But I also believe that the EMS response, much […]
I am still gutted by what happened last week in Newtown, Connecticut. I get a quiet moment and I begin to think of those children. I lie down in bed and I think about those parents trying to rest in a their empty homes. I wake up in the middle of the night and the […]
Two of my favorite EMS authors, Peter Canning and Michael Morse, have shared their thoughts on the hot topic of EMS and concealed carry. Guns and EMS by Peter Canning on the Medic Scribe Blog Real Protection is Not Carrying a Gun on Duty by Michael Morse at EMS1.com
New column posted at EMS1.com – 2 Types of training for active shooter incidents. Make sure you watch this video – Run.Hide. Fight. Read more: Take an Active Role in Mass Attacks from the New York Times
EMS and Guns: Posts A’Blazing
Last week I wrote two questions about EMS and concealed carry weapons. Many other EMS bloggers have been writing on this topic. But before I link to their posts I want to point out this recent article, Flight Attendant’s gun goes off at airport security in Philadelphia. The flight attendant was a permitted concealed carry […]
Created February 28, 2012. Updated on March 6, 2012, July 30, 2012, January 25, 2013. The school shooting in Chardon, Ohio is a reminder that active shooter incidents can happen in any town, any school, and any workplace. Every EMS agency should work with its law enforcement and fire partners to plan for a response to […]
Like many EMS professionals I have read media accounts from the Tucson mass shooting for lessons we might learn for application to future mass shooting incidents. Tragically, a mass shooting could happen in any community and we all need to consider a mass shooting in our all-hazards pre-planning and cooperative planning with other emergency responders. […]