Today is the 15th birthday of the iPhone, a device which I use daily and is hardly ever more than an arm’s reach away. But today I take a contrarian view about the impact of the iPhone on EMS. 7 ways the iPhone ruined EMS
Tag: iPhone
Make Alexa your Ambulance Partner
On a whim – which I rarely have – I purchased the Amazon Echo device through a Prime member pre-purchase offer. I have been enamored with Alexa ever since setting up the device in my kitchen and regularly imagine Alexa (or Google or Siri) as an ambulance partner. Those day dreams, along with everyday use […]
My favorite from presentation on Handheld Wizardry: smartphones in education… “Students are using technology whether it is appreciated or not, so nice to hear of ways to use to instructor’s advantage.” Presentation slides and notes.
At the 2014 Colorado EMS Educator Symposium I presented Hanheld Wizardry and Cheating in EMS education during two concurrent sessions. View the symposium brochure. Handheld Wizardry Integrating Smartphones and Tablet Devices into EMS Education Presented to Colorado EMS Educator Symposium from Greg Friese Smartphone Apps recommended by Everyday EMS Tips readers. Documents and webpages mentioned in this […]
During my NAEMSE Symposium presentation, Handheld Wizardary, I asked attendees to share their favorite apps. I asked this question by text/email message using Many attendees replied to me with their favorite smartphone apps. Action Movie FX Chrome Browser Dropbox Epocrates Facebook Google Translate Instagram NAEMSE Symposium Guidebook Paramedic Protocol Provider Pepid Pocket RX Safe […]
NAEMSE Symposium presentations. August 10, 2013. Washington DC. Handheld Wizardy: Integrating Smartphones and Tablets into EMS Education Integrating Smartphones Into EMS Education from Greg Friese PDF of handout Distraction is Deadly: Understanding and Mitigating its Impact Distraction is Deadly in EMS Education, Driving, and Patient Care from Greg Friese PDF of handout
For emergency response personnel, every moment counts. But while first responders count their success in lives saved, they must count their paychecks in time and mileage logs. When the lights are flashing and lives are on the line, it’s not always easy to make the most accurate notes. These heroes must save lives and make […]
ERG 2012 for iPhone ERG 2012 for Android App Description: PHMSA (U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration)’s 2012 Emergency Response Guidebook provides first responders with a go-to resource to help deal with hazmat accidents during the critical first 30 minutes. Have you used an ERG app during an actual incident? Could […]
MEDRILLS has a rich collection of smartphone and tablet apps for learning and virtual practice of EMT and paramedic skills. In the comments share which app you would like to have most (if you want to add a “why” … even better). On Friday, January 4, at 07o0 CT I will randomly choose 3 winners […]
An Everyday EMS Tips reader shared that these were a few of his favorite apps: Pill Identifier by EMS BLS guide by Informed MEDSCAPE MedWords OSHA Heat Safety Tool Other apps that have been brought to my attention Emergency Response Guide 2012 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Paramedic Protocol Provider Additional apps recommended […]