Health and Wellness

Call Me an Uber

Me (running ~7:15 pace) Man driving in truck “call me an Uber” Me “huh” Man “can I get an Uber Me (stopped running) Man “how do I get to Hoover Ave.?” Me (gives man directions) Man “have a good jog” Me (that hurts) Me (continue running)

News and Events

The slow steady decline of ambulance to hospital transports is beginning

As we close in on 2020, it’s likely we are about to reach Peak EMS Transports, a term I am co-opting from Peak Oil, a phrase that has been used to describe the date in the future at which the extraction of oil will have reached maximum levels. After Peak EMS, there will be a […]


Uber and Ambulances

Two economists conclude that Uber availability has reduced EMS ambulance transport by 7 percent in major U.S. cities. Really? I have been writing about Uber and ambulances for a couple of years and I am always a proponent of patients receiving the right care (which includes transport as a treatment) at the right time. Read […]