My first EMS1 article of 2022 is posted. Has less traffic, congestion impacted EMS response time during the pandemic? Enjoy and drive safe.
Tag: Research
EMS providers, chiefs and medical directors. Please participate in the 2021 EMS Trend Report survey, the only industry-wide survey that examines how the profession is changing. Thanks! Take the survey now.
Paramedic educator David Fifer took to Facebook to ask his network of EMS educators, leaders and field professionals for a pair of boots for a paramedic student. “One of my student’s shoes are falling apart, and he’s too poor to afford new ones. Before I just go buy some, does anybody happen to have an […]

Paramedic students used drone video to size-up a simulated multiple vehicle collision. Their recognition of hazards was compared to the standard method of walking around/near the scene. Learn more about this research and how to apply it in your EMS education program in a research analysis article I wrote for FireRescue1 (or PoliceOne if you […]
1. Glucagon, yes we can! ( Harvard researchers looked at some NEMSIS (ePCR data) and speculated EMTs can’t use glucagon – a medication to treat hypoglycemia. Many EMTs inside (and outside) the U.S. are authorized and trained to administer the ~$200 per dose medication, but treat low blood sugar with food, oral glucose, or prepare […]
1. EMT Mousa Chaban, 32, died of injuries after ambulance collision ( “Chaban was partially ejected from the ambulance and died from his injuries.” The driver of the ambulance, Christine Wesner, failed to stop at a red light, and “allegedly fell asleep and crashed into another vehicle.” Resource: 5 evidence-based guidelines for fatigue management in EMS 2. […]
EMTs and paramedics’ responses to an NAEMT survey on ePCR software points to opportunities to improve usability and training. The survey report, 2017 National Survey on EMS ePCR Usability, describes the factors impacting perception of ePCR usability, the importance of training and the need to train EMS providers toward proficiency. The 18-question survey adapted questions from […]
Researchers used capnography to assess the effectiveness of pediatric ventilation techniques. Read more about the research and my key takeaways for paramedics. Research analysis: Capnography to assess effectiveness of pediatric ventilation If you are not using capnography on every patient intubation and for monitoring the effectiveness of ventilations you need to read this article immediately. ‘Do it for […]
As a parent my number one priority is keeping my kids safe. Halloween has gotten a bit of a bad rap for being dangerous for children. Nick Nudell helped me filter the NEMSIS data (and by help I mean he did all the hard actual work and I just wrote about it) to find out […]
Nichexpert Opportunity: Drones and EMS
Many paramedics find success and opportunity by carving out a niche: 12-Leads Research Initial Response Neurology I think their is niche for a paramedic that wants to become an expert in drones. Lead our profession in discussion and learning about drones: As a tool for education and training As a threat to operations success and […]