This is the SlideShare from the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) webinar I presented today. The topic was “Integrating Smartphones into EMS Education.” NAEMSE Webinar: Integrating Smartphones into EMS Education from Greg Friese
Tag: PowerPoint
Slide Share: Sepsis Summary
Adam Thompson posted this quick and informative slide deck about sepsis: Lcems sepsis summary from Adam Thompson Other sepsis training resources are shared in this post from the archives.
During Kyle Bate’s session (Doodle!) I made some notes about effective PowerPoint slide design. Kyle’s slides stood well above the many of the other NAEMSE presenters. Kyle effectively applies his experience as a professional graphic designer and photographer to his work as an EMS educator. These are some of the slide design techniques that stood […]
At the 2012 NAEMSE Symposium I attended the session Doodle! Are Your Students Learning or Distracted? by Kyle David Bates. The session was packed with information about learning and distraction and several interactive exercises. I did my best to pay attention, scrawl lots of notes, and resist the temptation of checking my email or tweeting. […]
Created February 28, 2012. Updated on March 6, 2012, July 30, 2012, January 25, 2013. The school shooting in Chardon, Ohio is a reminder that active shooter incidents can happen in any town, any school, and any workplace. Every EMS agency should work with its law enforcement and fire partners to plan for a response to […]
Short screencast on creating a PowerPoint Animation for a news ticker effect.
Paramedic, EMS educator, graphic designer, photographer, and my good friend Kyle Bates shares some tips for new EMS instructors about making presentations and keeping PowerPoint slides simple and useful to the audience. ParamedicTV is powered by In a much older video I share 5 essential PowerPoint skills for EMS educators ParamedicTV is powered by […]
EMS and Law Enforcement educator John Dillon has started a new website and training program, Part of his training is to makeover PPT programs. In this video John describes several essential PowerPoint skills: 1) Replace text with images 2) The total number of slides is irrelevant to the audience 3) Consistently apply slide layout […]
A few weeks ago I received my evaluations from participants in my two sessions at EMS World Expo 2011. I presented two sessions: Trends in Online Emergency Responder Education (view the slides) Using Social Media to Market your EMS Agency (view the slides) The evaluation scores and comments are about what I expected. I thought […]
I recently presented at the Ohio Society of Fire Service Instructors Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. My three presentations were: Trends in Online Education for Emergency Responders Creating Social Media Content for Fire and EMS Education Learning Management Systems for Small Fire Departments John Dillon from C3Softworks helped me integrate audience polling into my PowerPoint presentations. I […]