This is a guest post by respiratory therapy and EMT-B student Jared Scott. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
Respiratory Emergencies are Common
It is estimated that as many as 1/4 911 calls are respiratory-related. We all know how to treat the individual calls, but sometimes it is important to have a further understanding of the disease and/or disease process that you are dealing with.
As an EMT student and RT student I have the opportunity to receive this knowledge base for airway and respiratory-related emergencies that are often only briefly covered in EMT classes (you know the drill: high-flow O2, position the patient for comfort, and put the pedal to the metal).
Case Study: Interstitial Lung Disease and Sarcoidosis
I recently did a case study project over Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) and Sarcoidosis for RT school. ILD is a type of restrictive lung disease that usually results after chronic damage of the airways. The presentation is embedded below.
Interstitial Lung Disease(Sarcoidosis)
Jared Scott is an RT and EMT-B student in Texas. In his free time, he authors the blog Surviving RT School and is co-host on the new podcast Generation Medicine. He can be found on Twitter (@myrtlife) or reached via email at jared (at) genmedshow (dot) com.