EMS Tips

People are saying Hillary Clinton has …

I don’t know precisely what people mean when they say “people are saying,” but I am saying that Hillary Clinton may have experienced an episode of ‘Sunday syncope.’ What do you think? Did Hillary Clinton have an episode of ‘Sunday syncope’? Well worth reading: If Clinton or Trump were too sick to be president, we’d already […]

EMS Tips

Posts Outside the Service Area: Nuances in Pharmacology

For several years I have been reading about the appropriate dosing of oxygen. In Can Oxygen Hurt  Mike McEvoy summarizes the science, 2005 and 2010 AHA recommendations. He includes this money line “Knowing that both hypoxia and hyperoxia are bad, EMS providers must stop giving oxygen routinely.” Peter Canning shares some thoughts about Glass Ampules […]

EMS Tips

New Ebook: Top 5 Emergencies and How to Handle Until Paramedics Arrive

Paramedic and author Laura Kendall is offering a free ebook on her site, Top 5 Medical Emergencies and How to Handle Them. I have already downloaded the ebook and think it is a great resource for family and friends that frequently ask questions like, what are common emergencies? When should we call 911? What should […]

Health and Wellness

Cancer, F#&* You!

Pardon my language. In the last two weeks my world has been rocked by news of friends and family suffering from the impacts of cancer. A friend and colleague’s wife died after a heroic and prolonged battle with cancer. Another colleague received a new diagnosis and is awaiting more testing. An aunt was just diagnosed […]


A Simple Case of Suicide – a Medical Author Chat with Laura Kendall

Paramedic and author, Laura J. Kendall, discusses her two books, [amazon-product text=”A Simple Case of Suicide” type=”text”]0741448815[/amazon-product] and [amazon-product text=”Double Winkers Club” type=”text”]0741457806[/amazon-product] on this episode of the Medical Author Chat. Laura is an active paramedic in New Jersey. Her EMS career began as a volunteer in 1981. She has since worked in rural and inner […]

EMS Tips Guest Blogger

Intersitital Lung Disease Case Study

This is a guest post by respiratory therapy and EMT-B student Jared Scott. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Respiratory Emergencies are Common It is estimated that as many as 1/4 911 calls are respiratory-related. We all know how to treat the individual calls, but sometimes it […]

Continuing Education News and Events

Renal Failure to the Left of Me, Dailysis to the Right of Me

Here I go again. Paramedic training did not prepare me for the increasing number of patients I encounter with kidney failure. According to the CDC in 2000 more than 26 million American adults had Chronic Kidney Disease. Did you know that high blood pressure and diabetes are the leading causes of chronic kidney disease? I […]