EMS Tips Health and Wellness

Alternate Posting Location: What’s with Wuhan for EMS

Last week I posted two EMS1 articles about EMS and the Wuhan coronavirus. Why EMS leaders need to discuss the Wuhan coronavirus with the public, media Is EMS prepared for an epidemic or pandemic?

EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Falcon Heavy Rocket – Firefighters Held at Gun Point – Wash your Stinking Hands!

1. SpaceX launched a really, really big rocket In one of my favorite Simpson’s episodes Homer bemoans another boring space launch. Unlike Homer I am fascinated watching the recent SpaceX launches streamed live from Florida, Texas or Orlando. Even more amazing to me is the booster rockets gliding/falling back to earth and then landing upright […]

EMS Tips

EMS Tips – Peak Flu – Dangerous Pathogens Research

1. Influenza is everywhere … protect yourself The flu is widespread in all 50 states, according to the CDC. Protect yourself from influenza: Get the flu shot. Wash your hands before and after patient contact. Give oxygen, when indicated, otherwise have the patient wear a surgical mask. Thoroughly clean ambulance surfaces, including the cot, after […]

EMS Tips

Infectious Disease Prevention: 3 Tips

We should all be concerned about the transmission of infectious disease. The transfer of two US citizens infected with Ebola to Emory University has been a hot button news item for the past week. (2 excellent articles on Ebola and care of infected patients) The common cold, seasonal influenza, MRSA, hepatitis, and more are a part […]

EMS Education Tips

Schedule Training for When it is Needed

Look at this screen shot from Flu Trends for indicators of Flu activity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the 2007-2008 flu season. During the 2007-2008 Flu season when would the best time have been to schedule influenza related training? Based on this trend line you might decide to offer influenza related training every January. But […]

Health and Wellness

Alternative Treatments for Cold and Flu Don't Work

Do you ask patients about use of herbal supplements, alternative therapies, and other complementary medicine treatments? Despite robust marketing campaigns, anecdotal boasts from friends, family, and celebrities, and years of research, at great expense, the efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments can be summed up in this recurring statement from a recent report […]

News and Events

Event: National Influenza Vaccination Week

<iframe src=”” mce_src=”” name=”flugovframe” frameborder=0 id=”flugovframe” scrolling=”no” height=”173″ width=”145″ marginheight=”0″ title=” widget” marginwidth=”0″ ></iframe> You have your flu shot already. Right? What about your family, friends, neighbors, and vendors? This week, January 10-16, 2010 is National Influenza Vaccination Week. According to the CDC “Each year during National Influenza Vaccination Week, the importance of influenza vaccination […]

Operations Social Media Tips

Google Flu Trends

The results of millions of Google searches are used to map and estimate Flu activity around the world. This map compares data in United States (yellow) with the Google search trends (blue). Use the interactive map on the Google Flu Trends website to examine flu related searches in your continent, country, or state. And remember […]

EMS Tips News and Events Social Media Tips

Vote! Best Flu Prevention PSA

Visit the US Health and Human Services YouTube channel to vote for the best flu prevention public service announcement. Finalists are competing for a $2500 prize. This is my favorite video. I think I was my hands more than the average person to begin with, but I needed to wash my hands – twice – […]