EMS Tips

Remain Calm, We Have a Checklist: Part 2

A patient care protocol is a kind of checklist. A protocol includes a lot of instructions on how to assess and treat a patient. Within a protocol you might also have several checklists to complete to successfully implement the protocol. For example, you likely have a protocol for a patient with chest pain. The protocol […]

Book Reviews Operations

Saving Lives with Checklists

This is a guest post by Timothy Clemans. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Soon after take off two pilots who had never flown together were faced with a nightmare situation. Their airplane with 155 people on board was falling out of the sky. And it wasn’t […]

EMS Education Tips EMS Tips First Aid Product Reviews

Product Review: Act+Fast Anti-Choking Trainer

With a sharp inward and upward thrust – just like I have been teaching for nearly ten-years, but have never actually done – the foreign body ejected from the “airway” and flew about five feet across the room. I had just relieved the obstruction – a small foam plug – from the Act+Fast Anti-Choking Trainer […]

EMS Tips News and Events Operations

5 Ways to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of CPR

Fifty years ago CPR was invented by combining mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with chest compressions to create cardiopulmonary resuscitation. While a lot has changed in the last fifty years the underlying concepts of applying external mechanical force to assist circulation with the goal of coronary and cerebral perfusion remains the same. Information from the AHA on 50 […]

EMS Education Tips

EMSEduCast Podcast – Focus on Cardiac Arrest

In a three episode series the EMSEduCast podcast focused on sudden cardiac arrest. Episode 43 – journal club focus on sudden cardiac arrest research. Discussion about a set of articles related to sudden cardiac arrest resuscitation, implementation of the American Heart Association 2005 Emergency Cardiac Care Guidelines, and the concept of a Resuscitation specialty centers. […]

EMS Education Tips News and Events

Video: Surviving Cardiac Arrest with Dr. Mickey Eisenberg

Dr. Mickey Eisenberg is the guest for the January 20 episode of the EMSEduCast. We are looking forward to Dr. Eisenberg’s second visit on the EMSEduCast to discuss factors associated with survival from sudden cardiac arrest. To get ready for this newest episode of the EMSEduCast follow these Everyday EMS Tips: 1. Listen to EMSEduCast […]

News and Events

Miracle or to be Expected? ROSC after 45 minutes

Everyday EMS Tips reader Marty from Connecticut sent me this article about a Brooklyn NY man who arrested at the hospital and was successfully resuscitated and discharged neurologically intact. The patient and his doctor’s call this a miracle. Certainly it is a noteworthy event because of the time length and interventions involve but I wonder […]

EMS Tips

Inducing Hypothermia for ROSC Patients (#31daysofCE)

Welcome to winter. Many of us will be experiencing a cold challenge – unintentionally – as we respond to patient emergencies. Will you be inducing hypothermia in any of your patients? I don’t work in EMS systems that use induced hypothermia for patients that have Return of Spontaneous Circulation” after cardiac arrest – yet. Despite […]

News and Events

Close Call: Response to Snowmobiler with No Pulse

A few hours after bar time our volunteer squad was paged out for a snowmobile rider that had hit a tree. As I left my house for the station I grabbed my parka, ski pants, and a headlamp. It was snowing lightly and the temperature was a little below zero (fahrenheit). We responded to the […]

EMS Tips Operations

Team Approach to Cardiac Arrest Patients

Everyday EMS Tips readers know that cardiac arrest patients require an “all-hands on deck” approach to provide compressions, shock when advised and perform other interventions like airway management, ventilations, and drug administration. In a post about Cardiocerebral Resuscitation (CCR) Paramedic blogger CKEMTP wrote about using the Incident Command System (ICS) approach to manage cardiac arrest […]