EMS Tips Uncategorized

May 2012 Posts Outside the Service Area

Service Profiles Jeff, the theme park EMT, shares insider information about Reedy Creek Emergency Services in a service profile on the Other Side of EMS blog. I am looking forward to seeing Jeff, Mickey, Goofy, and the whole WDW gang in August at the NAEMSE symposium. Products EMS and Fire author Ed Mund sent me […]

EMS Education Tips

CIRC Trial and IBP ALS

This is a guest post from Rom Duckworth, paramedic and educator that follows-up on this post about my experience in the CIRC trial. If you want to guest post or review on this blog, check out the guidelines here. CIRC Trial and IBP ALS Having had the opportunity to attend the ACLS Guidelines roll-out in Chicago […]

EMS Tips

CIRC Trial: My Lessons Learned

A recent article, Man vs. Machine: who won the CIRC trial reminded me of my participation in the trial (not as a patient!) as a paramedic at one of the clinical sites. 1. Research trial gives a group focus. I really enjoyed being part of the research trial. We received quarterly education programs and […]

EMS Tips

Video: CPR Flash Mob

I only thought Flash Mobs surprised flustered mall visitors with Christmas carols. Turns out Flash Mobs are also teaching equally bewildered fair goes and mall visitors to push hard and push fast. To both my surprise and general relief I have yet to be caught in the midst of a Flash Mob. How about you? […]

Social Media Tips

Funny PSA's: Do they work?

Are Public Service Announcements (PSA’s), like this new disco theme combined with Hangover supporting cast member Dr. Ken Jeong, effective? Or do they only provide some entertainment to those of this on the inside? I have seen this video shared by dozens of Facebook and Twitter friends, but they are all EMS professionals. I have […]

EMS Tips

Video: CPR Needed Smartphone App

The call to action in this video is incredible. The potential of the app for citizen first response to cardiac arrest is even more incredible. What are you doing to bring this app and capability to your community?

EMS Tips

Reader Question: Impaled Metal Object, Traumatic Arrest

What would you do? “A patient has been impaled on a rod on an iron fence which has gone straight through the body. Would it be advised to shock this patient in cardiac arrest with an AED? Or would the shock be contradictory due to the metal object in said patient’s body?” My Thoughts 1. […]

News and Events

CPR: It's So Easy a Blogger Can Do It!

Kelly Grayson, author of the Ambulance Driver Blog, and TOTWTYTR, author of the Too Old To Work Too Young To Retire, paused from their breakfast at a New Jersey dinner to resuscitate a woman in an adjacent booth that experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Great work! Kelly’s blog post of the event is OUTSTANDING – one […]

EMS Tips

What if … are you prepared for whatever might happen next

Asking, “What if?” is a simple technique to mentally prepare for whatever might come next. One of the “what if’s” I regularly play is “What if someone on this flight has a medical emergency?” Another of my favorite what if questions is “What if I see another runner collapse during the race?” Two Austin, Texas […]

EMS Tips

Event Review: Things You Should Know Partner from

This is a guest event review from Mark Albert. welcomes guest post submissions from EMS professionals and supporters of EMS. To submit a guest post view the guidelines. This was the first episode in an ongoing series at EMS Boot Camp, hosted by James Hoffman. The series is going to feature veteran Bronx Medic […]