Week 2 of the Coursera course, Course Review: Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science Week 1 #MOOC, focused on CPR. With frequent references to clinical research and AHA guidelines Dr. Abella discussed that CPR quality is the key variable to survival with lay and professional rescuers. Lay Person CPR Training Little is known about the number […]
Tag: AHA
Book Description The ACLS 2013 Pocket Brain Book ([amazon-product text=”Amazon link” type=”text”]1930553234[/amazon-product]) is a compact and information packed guide to ACLS arrhythmia assessment and treatment. It is a comprehensive, get to the point, review and synopsis that somehow finds time to include practice questions, clinical and bedside tips, and review of controversies. For example, in […]
Trying to come up with a graphical representation of the 3 Phase Model of Ventricular Fibrillation. What are your suggestions to improve this graphic?
I also write posts frequently at Blog.CentreLearn.com, the blog of CentreLearn Solutions, LLC where I am the director of education. A few of my favorites from September on the CentreLearn blog: New online training courses for EMTs, Paramedics, and Firefighters Kinds words from the Epilepsy Foundation CentreLearn Morning Mug and PowerPoint Design Tips Test Security […]
An enthusiastic paramedic just reviewed the new American Heart Association guidelines for Emergency Cardiac Care. The new paramedic excitedly explains the guidelines to their medical director. The medical director’s enthusiasm for protocol change and re-training is palpable. Many months will pass using the old guidelines. A metaphorical video told by a puppy and a geriatric […]
Fifty years ago CPR was invented by combining mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with chest compressions to create cardiopulmonary resuscitation. While a lot has changed in the last fifty years the underlying concepts of applying external mechanical force to assist circulation with the goal of coronary and cerebral perfusion remains the same. Information from the AHA on 50 […]