EMS Education Tips

Video: PowerPoint Animation to Create a News Ticker

Short screencast on creating a PowerPoint Animation for a news ticker effect.

EMS Tips

Moving Spotlight: PowerPoint Tip for EMS Educators

Create a moving spotlight of a specific part of a PowerPoint slide by setting a transparent color and applying a motion path. This is the screencast that shows how to create the object with the transparent color to make the spotlight.

EMS Education Tips

Screencasting Tips for EMS Educators

Screencasting has many potential applications for emergency response educators and training officers to discuss new or updated protocols, proper use of scheduling and ePCR software, or how to interact with other web-based content. Since most free screencasting tools, Screenr, limit the length of a screencast recording follow these tips for creating screencasts that are effective. […]

EMS Education Tips

Video: Create a Gameshow Spinner with PowerPoint

I used PowerPoint to animate a game show type spinner. This screencast explains/demonstrates my process. Another ScreenR user @onEnterFrame made a screencast that demonstrated a better and easier way to make the game show spinner. This screencast explains/demonstrates his process. What is intriguing for me is that a free web based tool, ScreenR, gave me […]

EMS Education Tips

Video: Use PowerPoint and Articulate to Create Flash Animations #Screenr

I leverage PowerPoint with Articulate Presenter to make elearning courses for EMTs, Paramedics, and Firefighters. This screencast demonstrates how I use PowerPoint and Articulate Presenter to Create Flash Animations.

Social Media Tips

Twitter Goodies: Applications, Widgets, and Buttons

If you are using Twitter this screencast shows how to add a Twitter “follow me” button to a page, post, widget, or sidebar. Twitter has a set of buttons available as a link from the Twitter Goodies page. View this screencast for a quick demonstration on how I added the Twitter button to a post […]

EMS Education Tips Operations Social Media Tips

Use Screencasting to Demo Software Processes

Screencasting or capturing using free and easy to use software is a simple technique to make short videos of software processes. Every paramedic shift I use computer software to punch into work and order supplies. On every call my partner and I use a mobile data terminal to find the patient’s locations and track our […]

EMS Education Tips Social Media Tips

10 Tips for Perfecting EMS Screencasts

Screencasts are a great tool for teaching software use, demonstrating elearning production techniques, or showcasing website features. In a Everyday EMS Tips column I discussed 9 techniques for perfecting screencasts. These are the tips from the column plus some bonus material.

EMS Education Tips Social Media Tips Video Tips

Make your Own Screencasts

A screen capture tool records the actions on your computer screen as you perform them. The output of the capture is a screencast that can be shared as a video file, downloaded to your computer for editing, uploaded to a screencast sharing website, posted as a video to a site like YouTube, or embedded into […]