Health and Wellness

Everyday EMS Athlete Profile: Bill Kanoff

EMS professionals are challenged to balance work, family, and other obligations while also staying or striving for mental and physical fitness. The Everyday EMS Athlete is a regular column to recognize and learn from other EMS professionals that are setting and meeting fitness goals. This edition was contributed by paramedic and educator Bill Kanoff. Q: […]

EMS Tips

Moving Spotlight: PowerPoint Tip for EMS Educators

Create a moving spotlight of a specific part of a PowerPoint slide by setting a transparent color and applying a motion path. This is the screencast that shows how to create the object with the transparent color to make the spotlight.

EMS Education Tips News and Events

EMS Boot Camp Session: Intro to Research and Research Methods

” A Google Search Is Not Research “ Date : April 14th 2010 Time: 1400 hours EST This special Boot Camp session is presented by  Joseph F. Clark, Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati and the author of My Ambulance Education: Life and Death on the Streets of the City. This class will provide a brief introduction to research and research methods. The students will […]