I have been reading some great content about social media and emergency responder organizations. Social Media Discipline During Firefighter Injury or Line of Duty Death Many of us share the highs and lows of life through Facebook. Last week after making phone calls and private emails to my closest friends and family I shared on […]
Tag: PIOSocialMediaTraining.com
Voting is now open in the PIOSocialMediaTraining.com contest for the social media responder of 2009. The six finalists are people, organizations, and projects that are using social media to effectively accomplish their mission. The finalists were chosen by a panel of judges from more than thirty nominees. In addition to voting make sure you take […]
About a year ago I dove into different social media tools. I think my first foray was Facebook. Then before I knew it I had multiple Twitter accounts, several blogs, profiles on five Ning social networks, a LinkedIn profile, a YouTube channel, a Flickr account, and RSS subscriptions to dozens of blogs. Based just on […]
PIOSocialMediaTraining.com has just announced a contest to highlight emergency response agencies effectively using Social Media to reach their goals to connect with their communities using the best practices possible. With that in mind, PIOSocialMediaTraining.com is now accepting nominations for who you would consider to be the Social Media Responder of 2009. Learn how the nomination […]
If you are using Twitter this screencast shows how to add a Twitter “follow me” button to a page, post, widget, or sidebar. Twitter has a set of buttons available as a link from the Twitter Goodies page. View this screencast for a quick demonstration on how I added the Twitter button to a post […]
Finding Work with Social Media
In 2009 I have gone all in with social media. The connections I have made have led to a podcast (EMSEduCast.com), a new live online EMS education training program (EMSBootCamp.com), and a new website (PIOSocialMediaTraining.com). Together these projects have broadened my audience and exponentially expanded my network. They are also becoming a small and growing […]