During Kyle Bate’s session (Doodle!) I made some notes about effective PowerPoint slide design. Kyle’s slides stood well above the many of the other NAEMSE presenters. Kyle effectively applies his experience as a professional graphic designer and photographer to his work as an EMS educator. These are some of the slide design techniques that stood out to me during Kyle’s presentation.
1. White background – great contrast for dark color fonts, images, and objects used throughout the slide deck.
2. Unique handwriting font for slide titles that was still readable from the back of the room.
3. Images, images, and more images. Kyle effectively uses the slides to support the points he is making as a presenter. He never reads text off the screen to us. His images and a few well placed words on the slide reinforce his key points.
4. Key text was a light font color on a dark object. These text boxes really popped off the screen and caught my attention when they appeared.
5. All images were the same size and the same place on the slide.

Throughout the presentation Kyle was the main source of information. Not his slides. Kyle could have met the learning objectives for this presentation without any slides. Slides made it even better.
Well done Kyle!