Health and Wellness

Breast Cancer Dump Truck #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

When everything is pink, nothing is pink. We saw three of these dump trucks – likely headed to some massive mining operation – being hauled across Wyoming in late August. This angle gives a better look at how massive this bucket is.

Social Media Tips

Kilted Man in a Cornfield

Perhaps the last thing I expected to see while picking sweet corn in the Whitefeather CSA field was a man in a kilt. Even more unexpected was the shirt this man was wearing … Kilted to Kick Cancer. The kilt wearing man, also a police officer and blogger (and organic sweet corn lover), was showing […]

EMS Tips

Showing Support for Health, Fitness, and Arts

In our off time we can share with and support others, especially other EMS providers. Do you have time, talent, and treasure you can share? Treasure Consider joining me in making a contribution the American Cancer Society Relay for Life on behalf of Jeff (@JEFF_EMT) Armstrong. Back the Frequent Flyers and Jakes Firefighters Comic Kickstarter. I […]

Health and Wellness

T-Shirt Giveaway: Give Cancer the Axe

My friend Jeff, (@JEFF_EMT), just completed the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Part of his fundraising efforts was the creation and sale of these t-shirts, Give Cancer the Axe. I want to buy one of you a shirt. In the comments simply tell me which shirt you would like. On Friday April 26 at […]

Health and Wellness

September: EMS Bloggers Kilted to Kick Cancer

Learn more at

Book Reviews

Book Review: A Never Event

[amazon-product text=”A Never Event” type=”text”]0980058287[/amazon-product] is the chronicle of nearly 100 patients of the Fremont Cancer Center that were infected with hepatitis C through poor infection control practices and what I believe to be criminal actions of the nurses and physician running the clinic. I stumbled upon A Never Event while browsing through the Kindle Owners […]

Health and Wellness Uncategorized

Going Lime Green for Lymphoma

The border color of Everyday EMS Tips is changed to lime green for lymphoma for the final week of July to draw attention to the disease of lymphoma (a type of cancer), the people with lymphoma and their families, and to support my friend Rick. Meet Rick A few weeks after his May 2012 diagnosis […]

Health and Wellness

Everyday EMS Athlete Profile: Joe Phelps

EMS professionals are challenged to balance work, family, and other obligations while also staying or striving for mental and physical fitness. The Everyday EMS Athlete is a regular column to recognize and learn from other EMS professionals that are setting and meeting fitness goals. This edition was contributed by EMT Joe Phelps. Q: What is […]

Health and Wellness

Posts Outside the Service Area: Kricken Cancer

My friend, mentor, paramedic, EMS educator, and triathlete (and father and husband) Rick A. is blogging about his journey of a recent cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment. He is only a few posts into his blog so you can cruise to right now to get caught up, including Rick’s visit today with the UW Med Flight […]

Health and Wellness

Everyday EMS Athlete Profile: Emily Stewart

EMS professionals are challenged to balance work, family, and other obligations while also staying or striving for mental and physical fitness. The Everyday EMS Athlete is a regular column to recognize and learn from other EMS professionals that are setting and meeting fitness goals. This edition was contributed by paramedic and Ironman Emily Stewart.  Q: […]