A Reddit/EMS thread asked, How catastrophic is an ambulance crash? Like many things…it depends. This was the answer I posted (with a few edits made for this post): A few of my thoughts…from reading lots of news accounts about ambulance crashes and knowing several ambulance crash survivors. 1. Ambulance crashes happen with distressing frequency. Crashes happen […]
Tag: Seatbelt
Blog posts, articles, news reports, and audio podcasts…some of my favorite reads from August 2014. Blog news from MedicSBK…new website layout. Check it out. Steve Whitehead lays out the reasons you should quit your crappy EMS job. This article, I found a gun on my patient. Now what?, struck me as a common sense and […]
Nobody Cares About Your Safety …
More than you care about your safety. The long standing failure of Congress to vote on healthcare for emergency responders that become sick after working at the site of the World Trade Center collapse was finally rectified when the Senate passed a the important measure to provide healthcare and additional compensation funding. The debate is […]
Regular readers of Everyday EMS Tips know how strongly I feel about seatbelt use in all vehicles – personal and emergency vehicles. I also advocate wearing seatbelts at all times with no exceptions. In a few weeks many of us will make New Year’s Resolutions. Why wait 4 weeks to resolve to always wear a […]
I can’t imagine anything more embarrassing for an EMS provider than to be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. May 18-31 is the nationwide seatbelt enforcement campaign. Here are 5 Everyday EMS Tips reasons to wear your seatbelt in the front AND rear compartment of the ambulance, as well as your privately owned vehicle: […]