Last week I imagined a rainbow brightened and unicorn laden future for EMS funded by the enormous Powerball jackpot. $600 million became $700 million which became $800 million and by the time the numbers were drawn Saturday night $900 million was at stake. The Ambulance Driver (aka Kelly Grayson) has proposed an alternative spending plan for […]
Tag: Movie
After I pointed out a student driver sedan to my then four year old son I told him in “12 years you will learn how to drive.” He replied, “I already know how to drive.” “Oh yeah? What do you know?” He confidently replied, “I turn the steering wheel and push those buttons for the […]
Have you heard about the Chronicles of EMS yet? It is an EMS film project by EMS professionals about paramedics. Using social media tools bloggers, podcasters, and filmmakers are coming together to explore EMS in San Francisco and share that event (the “Project”) using social media tools like blogs, YouTube videos, Flickr photo streams, and […]
The EMS Documentary Level Zero is available for online viewing for a limited time. Since the movie is entered in numerous film competitions it can not be regularly displayed for free online. To coincide with 2009 EMS Expo the filmmaker and paramedic Ted Setla has unlocked the movie. In this video Ted talks about the […]
Level Zero: the Movie
Film maker and paramedic Ted Setla has created an amazing movie about the EMS professionals of Alameda County, California. Watch the documentary (the password is “levelzero”) to both remember and pay tribute to EMS professionals and other emergency responders in the fire service, law enforcement, public health, and hospitals. Visit to view the movie.
Level Zero Movie Trailer
Level Zero is a soon to be released paramedic documentary made by paramedic and filmmaker Thaddeus Setla. Check out the trailer and visit the Level Zero website to learn about screening and distribution opportunities. Screening this movie would make a great addition to any EMS conference or event. LEVEL ZERO – Movie Trailer from Thaddeus […]