I have always like the term “operational athlete” (I believe introduced to me by Bryan Fass) to describe paramedics, firefighters, and police officers. In many situations emergency responders need to rapidly transition from a period of non-activity to either a burst of anaerobic energy, like lifting a patient, or to a sustained aerobic effort, like […]
Tag: Chris Kaiser
Three posts together are everything (or almost everything) you wanted to know about blood pressure assessment: 1. Blood Pressure Assessment Tips from Everyday EMS Tips guest blogger Michael Fraley 2. The Blood Pressure from Steve Whitehead’s series on vital signs 3. Blood Pressure – Vital Knowledge for EMS by Chris Kaiser Bonus: 10 blood pressure […]
Wearing a Watch When I wear a watch, which is not very often, I either wear a Timex off the shelf Ironman or a [amazon-product text=”Garmin Forerunner 305 Watch” type=”text”]B000CSWCQA[/amazon-product]. I run and cycle with the Garmin and value the pacing information. I run foot races with the Timex and record my own mile splits. […]
I feel like I have “read it all” from end of course evaluations … “this was too easy” or “too difficult” or “the classroom was cold” or “breaks were too short” or “the PowerPoint slides were difficult to read” or ” I learned a lot, thanks” and on and on. I actually really enjoy reading student […]
Everyday EMS Tips was nominated by my friend Chris Kaiser from Life Under the Lights for the Fire Critic’s 2009 Fire/EMS Blog of 2009 Contest. I am thankful for Chris’ nomination and grateful to be selected as a finalist by the judges. The competition is keen and I am humbled to be looking up the […]