
Ambulances on the Road in Iowa and Kansas

On a quick road trip from Wisconsin to Kansas City and back for the weekend I had a few ambulance sightings. Fraser Ambulance seen on Interstate 80 east of Des Moines, Iowa. Kansas City Kansas Fire Department ambulance 5 at the KU Medical Center ambulance drop off. Johnson County MED-ACT at the KU Medical Center […]


Stethoscope, Smartphone, Trauma Shears, Gloves and Pistol

If I was casting and outfitting an actor to play the role of paramedic on television I would make sure their costume, for the sake of authenticity, included: Stethoscope, casually slung around the neck or half tucked into a cargo pocket Smartphone, holstered on a tactical belt in an Otter Box or other type of […]

News and Events

Event: Retirement Reception for Battalion Chief Bill Toon

Yesterday I joined dozens of other friends and colleagues in honoring Bill Toon’s 20 years of service to Johnson County Med-Act. The event was a great tribute to his dedication, service, and passion for EMS. Thanks Bill. View a few photos from the event in the below album from the CentreLearn Facebook page.   Post […]


Alternate Posting Location: Traits of Excellent Volunteer EMS Organizations

Congratulations to Kiowa County EMS, NAEMT National Volunteer EMS Organization of the year! They received their recognition and award last week at EMS World Expo. I was fortunate to be a reviewer of applications and used that experience to identify traits of excellent volunteer organizations that all of the applicants shared. Visit to read […]

EMS Tips

Alternate Posting Locations October 2011 – My day job is being the Director of Education for CentreLearn Solutions. I add about two posts a week to the CentreLearn blog and manage our social media accounts. Top Questions about CL Courses for Firefighters, Paramedics, and EMTs Build your own Online Training Content FDA Drug Safety Communication on Zofran – this […]