EMS Tips Health and Wellness

Everyday EMS Stress Management Tips

Everyday EMS professionals encounter stress. Earlier this year, a student who participated in a ride-along with me died very suddenly a few weeks later. The emotions I experienced after her death surprised me given I had only spent half a day with her. I also felt embarrassed because I knew my co-workers and other students […]

Dispatch Tips EMS Tips Firefighting Guest Blogger

Bounce Back: Recovering from Difficult Calls

As an emergency dispatcher, I have heard a wide variety of rescue calls. The worst calls, the ones that cause my immediate increased pulse rate and surge in adrenaline, are the ones involving children. Some of my most memorable calls are for infants that are pulseless non-breathers. I recently had a call for five month […]

EMS Education Tips EMS Tips Social Media Tips Students

3 Reasons to Write

The internet has given us unending opportunities to become a published author. Writing is one of my favorite topics and I encourage all Everyday EMS Tips subscribers to regularly write. Here are three Everyday EMS reasons to write regularly: