Ultrasound! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nam postulant scribentur et, perpetua honestatis vis ex. Suscipit senserit evertitur quo ei, in pro vulputate instructior. Cu dicam principes scripserit pro, id eos alterum cotidieque. Pri purto consectetuer in.t The preceding paragraph is a test of the viral popularity of ultrasound. Based on the wild enthusiasm for ultrasound at EMS […]
Tag: Products
Last week I was at Fire Rescue International 2010 in Chicago. As I wandered the show floor I always keep my eye out for products from field personnel that had an idea, often on duty, to make a product and bring it to market. Here are three products that caught my eye: T-N-T TOOLS INC. […]
Books, shoes, and DVDs oh my. Check out these recent deliveries to Everyday EMS Tips.com headquarters. Novels from Paramedic Katherine Howell I was contacted by former Australian Paramedic and novelist, Katherine Howell, about the Medical Author Chat Podcast. I am working with her to schedule a recording time soon. Meanwhile she was kind enough to […]
Everyday EMS Tips readers: Magnum Boots USA has given me a pair of boots to giveaway. Make sure you read to the end of the post for details on how to enter through Twitter or by leaving a comment with this post. Elite Force 8.0 WPI Boots Boots are an essential piece of equipment for […]
Ebook compilation of tips, resources, and training related to EMS response to mass casualty incident response. Download the ebook, read, and share. I would also welcome your tips, resources, and product reviews for a second edition. If you are interested in mass casualty response and EMS I highly recommend these posts and training programs: MCI […]
Tonight’s topic: Review of the Best Products Seen At EMS Expo Everyday EMS Tips readers join me and Jamie Davis tonight for a live recording of the MedicCast Live in a special joint podcast with the EMS Garage and EMSEduCast about the EMS Expo in Atlanta. Don’t miss tonight’s show where Jamie Davis, Chris Montera, […]
During EMS Expo product innovator and paramedic Dan White joined the EMSExpoLive.com crew for several video segments, audio podcasts, and streaming podcasts to discuss new and innovative EMS products at EMS Expo. Dan has written a great recap of the innovative EMS products that caught his attention at EMS Expo for EMS1.com. Many of the […]
I saw some great products at the EMS Expo 2009 exhibit hall in Atlanta last week. If you saw something you liked, use these Everyday EMS social media Tips to learn more about the company and their products.
Many EMS agencies are preparing budgets for the next fiscal year. More than ever funds are tight and cutbacks are likely. This article about the lack of 12 lead capable cardiac monitors in Chicago Fire Department ambulances gets at the complexity of purchasing new equipment. In an EMS1.com Everyday EMS Tips column I encouraged readers […]
Jamie Davis, the podmedic and host of the MedicCast, has selected his top product innovations from the EMS Today conference. Read Jamie’s descriptions of the Turley Backboard Pad and MyClyns Personal Antimicrobrial Spray. When purchasing new products for your EMS service ask these questions?