Updated 1/3/11 – Congratulations to Claire McCarthy. Her tip was chosen by the Magnum USA judges. We will announce details of the January contest on the Everyday EMS Tips Facebook page. If you entered a tip email me for a special Magnum USA discount code. Last week we posted the latest Everyday EMS Athletes column […]
Tag: Magnum USA
Update 12/1: this contest has closed. A winner was chosen from the many excellent fitness tips below. Thanks to all who participated. Watch for more contests soon. Last week we debuted the Everyday EMS Athletes column with a profile of EMT and long-distance bicycle commuter Patrick Rugh. The column’s lead sponsor, Magnum Boots USA, is […]
Regaining Clarity in the Wake of EMS As EMS professionals we experience unique physical and mental challenges. Implementing methods of investing the same amount of effort into ourselves as we do for our patients and communities is paramount for our individual well being. There are EMS providers around the country who take the responsibility of […]
Regaining Clarity in the Wake of EMS The Everyday EMS Athlete is a new column that will appear regularly at EverydayEMSTips.com. Today’s first profile is Patrick Rugh, an EMT from Washington state. As EMS professionals we experience unique physical and mental challenges. Implementing methods of investing the same amount of effort into ourselves as we do […]
Books, shoes, and DVDs oh my. Check out these recent deliveries to Everyday EMS Tips.com headquarters. Novels from Paramedic Katherine Howell I was contacted by former Australian Paramedic and novelist, Katherine Howell, about the Medical Author Chat Podcast. I am working with her to schedule a recording time soon. Meanwhile she was kind enough to […]
My favorite off-time hobbies are training for, and competing, in running and cycling events. The training time, with friends or in solitude, is valuable time for me to relax, reflect, and think. I enjoy competing and usually lead the front of the middle of the pack across the finish line. These are the races and […]