EMS Tips

When you say, "It's Not my Job" I Say …

“Then what is your job?” There is a significant risk for any person or any organization to be asked to assist or given an assignment and to respond with the throwaway line “It’s not my/our job.” If you use that response you better be sure that the rest of the world is really clear on […]

Health and Wellness

Obesity Continues Steady Northward Spread Like Africanized Honey Bees

Only you can reduce the prevalence of self-reported obesity in your state. These CDC maps compare data from 2000, 2005, and 2009. Remember as EMS professionals we reflect the world around us. I actually suspect that the prevalence of obesity among EMS professionals is as high or even greater than the communities we serve. What […]

Health and Wellness

Children's Health: How would you rate it?

Everyday EMS Tips readers weigh in on the responder bias of this question, “Would you say [child]’s health in general was excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?” In 2006 more than 17% of children were obese (CDC youth obesity site). Good health is in the eye of the describer. I am pretty skeptical about […]

EMS Tips

Percentage of Obese Adults by Ethnicity

Obesity is a contributing cause to many or most (all?) of the medical problems EMS professionals encounter. How has your agency adapted to assess, treat, and transport the increasing number of obese adults? To learn more about assessment, treatment, and transport of view the lesson on that topic at

Audio Tips EMS Tips

Audio: Tips to Communicate Prevention Stratigies to Chronically Ill Patients

Buck Feris, a paramedic and EMS educator, and Greg Friese discuss communicating with patients and their family when the patient has a poorly managed chronic health condition like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD. Often times EMS providers see patients at their worst. We may be able to fix or resolve the acute problem, but […]