I am always looking for information sources I can use for Everyday EMS Tips posts, magazine articles, continuing education lessons, podcasts, and presentations. The Diseases and Conditions Index from the National Heart Lung Blood Institute is a “web-based health index.” It gives a “quick and easy way to get complete and dependable information about heart, […]
Event: World COPD Day Tips
Today is World COPD Day. Everyday EMS Tips frequently encounter patients with respiratory distress or failure secondary to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This is from the CDC MMWR report, “The aim of World COPD Day is to raise awareness about COPD and improve COPD care throughout the world.” To celebrate World COPD try some […]
Buck Feris, a paramedic and EMS educator, and Greg Friese discuss communicating with patients and their family when the patient has a poorly managed chronic health condition like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD. Often times EMS providers see patients at their worst. We may be able to fix or resolve the acute problem, but […]
Buck Feris describes how to use Capnography to determine the need for intubating a COPD patient in this Everyday EMS Tips interview with Greg Friese. Buck explains how the capnography reading is an objective measure of whether you should intubate the patient. The tip involves assessing a conscious patient’s exhalation with a end tidal carbon […]