1. Police say driver asleep at the wheel “An EMS provider driving an ambulance that crashed and resulted in the death of an EMT fell asleep behind the wheel, according to police.” This tragic incident happened just a week after the release of 5 evidence-based guidelines for fatigue management in EMS. Recommend using fatigue/sleepiness survey instruments to […]
Tag: Diabetes
As I read trade publications, attend conferences, and receive announcements about EMT and Paramedic continuing education programs there are some clear “Hot Topics.” Hot Topics of Today These topics are sure to be on every conference program and regularly featured in national magazines today and probably for the next couple of years. 1. End Tidal […]
Everyday EMS Tips readers know that diabetic emergencies while being among the most common types incident we respond to are also some of the most challenging. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are two of many causes of altered mental status. Always remember to cast a wide net, consider all possible causes, and rule out possibilities as you […]
” Diabetic Patients – What Your Instructor Left Out “ Date : November 11th 2009 Time: 1430 hours EST. With a primary focus on identifying, treating and managing the diabetic patient in the field. “Diabetic Patients – What Your Instructor Left Out” is a birds eye view of what EMS providers can expect to see […]
Change is one of the few things we can count on in life. The things we once did we no longer do. Things we do now we might not do in the future. Are you open to change? What facts, testimonials, or influence do you need to implement change? Medicine is dynamic. We don’t do […]
Buck Feris, a paramedic and EMS educator, and Greg Friese discuss communicating with patients and their family when the patient has a poorly managed chronic health condition like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, or COPD. Often times EMS providers see patients at their worst. We may be able to fix or resolve the acute problem, but […]