I don’t know, but it is a connection worth exploring. Posted on EMS1: Rapid Response: Medics stealing narcotics happens with distressing regularity
Tag: Drug
For several years I have been reading about the appropriate dosing of oxygen. In Can Oxygen Hurt Mike McEvoy summarizes the science, 2005 and 2010 AHA recommendations. He includes this money line “Knowing that both hypoxia and hyperoxia are bad, EMS providers must stop giving oxygen routinely.” Peter Canning shares some thoughts about Glass Ampules […]
From the excellent “Remember 2 Things Video Series” by Steve Whitehead at EMS1.com ParamedicTV is powered by EMS1.com Some other things to consider: 1. Visualize how success will look and feel on your next attempt 2. Take a few cleansing deep breaths 3. Relax your shoulders, arms, and wrists 4. Reassess the need for an […]
Medical Math is division and multiplication where the variables are dose size, rate, patient weight, or fluid volume. As you are trying to learn or improve your medical math skills it may be worth your while to review multiplication and division. These are a few of the videos available from the Kahn Academy. View and […]
Paramedic Steve Cole has written a comprehensive post on how the recent FDA Drug Safety Communication for Zofran may impact EMS. You can find Steve’s guest blog post at blog.centrelearn.com. Thanks Steve.
Pharmacology is one of the most interesting topics in EMS, but it requires careful study to understand indications, contraindications, doses, and side effects. Pharmacology also requires patient assessment skills and thorough understanding of your patient care protocols. After a few tips I will share some pharmacology continuing education tips. These are the Everyday EMS tips […]