I was asked, “Would you describe that pulse as thready?” I have never had a good grasp of what is meant by “thready” or “bounding” as those terms seem very subjective. I think most EMS professionals could come to agreement on what fast, slow, regular, or irregular means. But I have yet to come to […]
Tag: Cardiac
Shock Advised!

Happy Valentines Day!
In an increasingly digital world the R-CAT (Rapid Cardiac Analysis Tool) is a refreshing return to a study guide and reference tool that I can easily hold, access from a BDU or shirt pocket, and rapidly reference. I recently was able to review two versions, given to me at EMS World Expo 2011, of the […]
Cardiac and ECG Teaching and Learning Resource Rob Theriault is a paramedic educator, author, co-host of the EMSEduCast podcast, and creator of the Paramedic Tutor blog and YouTube channel. The Paramedic Tutor YouTube channel has nearly 100 educational videos about cardiac anatomy, ECG acquisition, and 12-Lead ECG interpretation.
Remain Calm, We Have a Checklist: Part 2
A patient care protocol is a kind of checklist. A protocol includes a lot of instructions on how to assess and treat a patient. Within a protocol you might also have several checklists to complete to successfully implement the protocol. For example, you likely have a protocol for a patient with chest pain. The protocol […]
Where can I practice reading 12 Leads?
A reader asked, “Where can I practice reading 12 lead EKGs?” These are some resources I have used to learn more about and practice 12 lead EKG interpretation: Also check out the 12 lead books in the Everyday EMS Tips bookstore. 1. EKG Club 2. EMS 12 Lead Blog 3. ECG Course Weekly Practice 12 […]
Not all "Chest Pains" have chest pain
Thanks to paramedic and educator, Michael Fraley, for this guest post. If you would like to guest post or review on Everyday EMS Tips check out the guidelines here. All of our textbooks have the classic Levine Sign picture of the grimacing middle-aged male with a clenched fist over his chest but that is not […]
This is a guest post from Paramedic/Firefighter Russel Stine. You can read more from him and connect with him at www.hybridmedic.com. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. It’s been a while since I’ve done a true “tips and tricks” post, and with many new students these days […]
Would you like your EMS product, service, book, or event reviewed for EverydayEMSTips readers? View our product review guidelines. When I first learned to read ECGs (aka EKGs) I tried to collect a set of strips from a monitor connected to a rhythm generator. I quickly had an envelope stuffed with strips that had been folded, […]
In late January I attended one day of the Wisconsin EMS Association conference. The WEMSA conference is held each year at the Midwest Airlines Center in downtown Milwaukee. With more than 1700 attendees it attracts national speakers and vendors. During the day I attended Bob Page’s 12 lead ECG interpretation class. I am now ready […]