Health and Wellness

3 Things Tuesday: Give Up Any Time

Even though the 2014 lent season is drawing to a close here are three things you can give up at any time.

1. Tobacco. Of any kind.

If you are already tobacco free…

2013-08-09 17.01.262. Soda. And other foods with lots of added sugar.

3. Prolonged sitting.

A few weeks ago I started wearing a Garmin [amazon-product text=”VivoFit” type=”text”]B00HFPOX9W[/amazon-product] (Amazon link). I consider myself to be a pretty active person, but I am already surprised by two things:

1. How regularly I sit for an hour or more.

2. How difficult it is to get in 10,000 steps on the days I don’t run.

What are you working to give up? 

By Greg

Elearning designer, writer, podcaster, blogger, presenter and paramedic. To relax I run and bike as far and as fast as I can. Also like to read a lot and fast.