Health and Wellness

Counting Calories: Necessary for healthy lifestyle?

This guest post was submitted by Chris Adelman. Everyday EMS Tips always welcomes guest post submissions from EMS professionals, EMS educators, and EMS students. All others are asked to first make a contribution to the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride, see submission guidelines, before submitting a post. I appreciate Chris’ submission and his contribution to the […]

Health and Wellness Uncategorized

Reader Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy During the Holidays

Last week in the Everyday EMS Tips newsletter I asked readers for their tips to stay fit and well during the holidays. These are a few of the many responses I received. (I added bold emphasis)  It was so great to hear from so many people. I am sending three contributors gift cards from Road […]

Health and Wellness

Everyday EMS Athlete Profile: Keeping Fit Through Hard Work

Shortly after the New Year I shared with Everyday EMS Tips newsletter subscribers that I was using the My Fitness Pal app to track my meals and snacks. That small share led to a great exchange with an EMT that offered these thoughts about health and fitness. Q: What is your EMS job? I am […]

EMS Tips Health and Wellness

Tips and Encouragement to Reduce Your Weight

Costs for caring for morbidly obese patients are expected to reach $147 billion per year. At nearly 10% of all medical expenditures this is a cost that could be reported as dollars per pound. Read more about obesity related costs in this article from EHS Today. I am not sure if the researchers cost projections […]