Harry might have spit on Chris, but cops, medics, firefighters and correctional officers get spit on all the time. Here are a few thoughts, not about #spitgate, but how to react when a patient, inmate, suspect or bystander spits at you. Forget the movie star memes, spit is an occupational hazard
Tag: Bloodborne Pathogens
This week I taught a medical first responder refresher course to a group of industrial first responders. It was a great group of people. I was impressed with their knowledge, interest, experience, and motivation to provide for the emergency medical needs of their co-workers. Many of the students in the class had more than 20+ […]
June 27, 2009 is National HIV Testing Day. According to the CDC National HIV Testing Day, “promotes testing as an important strategy to prevent and control transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States.” As an EMS professional you know the important of selecting and using personal protective equipment to minimize the risk […]
The CDC recently tweeted (@cdchep) 24 facts about Hepatitis. Wednesday May 20 was World Hepatitis Day. Worldwide one in twelve people are living with hepatitis. EMS providers are at high risk for exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials. Therefore it is important to know these facts about hepatitis.