The First App to Talk for the Patient
The “FIRST” iPhone/iPod app that will talk for a patient, when they can’t! These smart-ICE applications allow the owner to record a message with the most critical medical information that plays immediately upon opening or at the push of a “PLAY’ button. No time is wasted looking through all of the data stored and the owner can give EMS providers instructions on how to use the smart-ICE app more efficiently.
smart-ICE, the single profile application and smart-ICE4family, which stores data for up to (8) profiles, are both available on iTunes.
Features Include:
* Alert EMS button- dials emergency services and sets phone into Alert Mode where an intermittent alarm sounds if the patient becomes unconscious. This piercing alarm can also be used to help locate the owner in a collapse situation
* A “My Location” button that quickly finds the current location to give to EMS dispatchers
* Audio Recorded Message that plays on opening and is recorded by the patient
* E-mail capability, with built in HIPAA privacy statement. This feature eliminates the need to fill out those long forms for doctors
* Password Protected Insurance Information with full app “Edit Protection”
* QUICKVIEW capability provides one button access to all of the stored data for EMS providers
* Customizable views…icons or tabs, audio or Quickview
* Drop down lists for hundreds of the most common medications and medical problems that means less typing, more accuracy and easy edits for changes
* The first ICE applications with a built in Wallpaper feature for locked phones
* Smart-ICE stores all of the information necessary to treat you in an emergency and much more
These apps were designed and developed by Fire/EMS/Emergency Room providers and telecommunication software specialists, utilizing an internationally recognized symbol (ICE4Safety) and endorsed exclusively by the UK medic (Bob Brotchie) who founded the ICE concept.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone and iPod touch
* Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later
* 2.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
smart-ICE 1.6.4 is only $0.99 (USD) and available exclusively through the App Store in the Medical category.
Located in Norcross, Georgia, USA, EMS Options, LLC., was founded in 2009 by Tim Green and Wil Craport. EMS Options, LLC, has over 23 years experience in the Information Technology field, and extensive cellular programming knowledge. This is combined with over 30 years Fire/EMS and emergency room experience to provide intuitive, easy to use applications. All Material and Software (C) 2009-2010 EMS Options, LLC., / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, the iPod logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Timothy J. Green
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