News and Events

EMS2.0 – a movement for EMS Professionals

My friends HappyMedic, CKEMTP, and Timothy Clemans have started a movement they called EMS2.0 which started with a series of blog posts. EMS2.0 now has a Google Group, a set of goals, and core principles. You can learn more and join the EMS 2.o Google Group. As Everyday EMS Tips readers know I am a […]

News and Events

More Cow Bell: How hard is it to run a marathon?

I have run five marathons and think of myself as a fairly regular guy that enjoys running. Non-runners and aspiring marathon runners often ask me, “How hard is it to run a marathon?” or “How much harder is to run a marathon than distance xyz?” This is how I explain running the marathon distance. Running […]

Health and Wellness

More Cow Bell! Marathon Running and Training Tips

I am running the Lakefront Marathon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin tomorrow morning. You are welcome to come and cheer me as I run from Grafton Highschool to Veterans Park. I will be on a 3:30 pace if that helps you plan your spectating. This will be my fifth marathon and I am occasionally  asked for training […]

Health and Wellness

Track Your Workouts with

I like to know how far I have run or biked, my per mile pace, and the calories I have used. I even like to map out my favorite routes and save and share those routes with other athletes. I use a simple and free tool – – to track my workouts. The three […]

Health and Wellness News and Events

Are you Running? Join me for National Running Day

Running is one of my passions. I run: for the health benefits to eat a lot of things that are calorie rich (like ice cream) because it clears my mind and gives me time to think to compete against myself and others Today, June 3, is the first National Running Day. Follow these Everyday EMS […]