Praetorian Digital, home to EMS1, PoliceOne, FireRescue1, and Corrections1, is the leading digital media company for public safety. It is also my employer. We have a positions open. If you apply, make sure to say “Greg told me about this job” because that is worth a bunch of awesome bonus points and I will receive a handsome […]
Tag: Job
When you’re ready to move on: Changing EMS employers, a two part series, is now available at Part 1 Part 2 Make sure to share your tips and ideas in the comments section for each article. I welcome connections from EMS professionals on LinkedIn.
New column is posted at … tips for making a job change. I am not sure when Part 2 will post, but I will be sure to announce it here. Enjoy and make sure to share your advice. When you’re ready to move on: Changing EMS employers, part 1
This morning I dropped off my son for his first day of kindergarten. He was relaxed and excited. I was a mix of relief, pride, and anxiety. I know he is ready for the academic challenges of school, but I am more nervous about the social challenges. First days of going to school, starting a […]
Asking for a Reference Letter
As an employer and educator I receive requests from time-to-time asking me to write a reference letter. If I know you well enough and can speak positively and confidently on your behalf I am usually glad to write these letters. It is my intent to help seal the deal if you are well qualified and […]
A Twitter connection mentioned that he was getting ready for a job interview that was going to be conducted over the phone and that he was nervous about doing his first interview. Having been on both sides of lots and lots of phone interviews here are some Everyday EMS Tips for an outstanding phone interview. […]
Director of Education for CentreLearn Solutions I am starting my new job tomorrow as the Director of Education for CentreLearn Solutions LLC. I am really looking forward to the job and the challenges that are ahead. I am joining a great team and a fantastic company that provides a learning management system for all types […]
In addition to a strong and highly professional online presence having and maintaining a resume is essential for EMS professionals. These are my Everyday EMS Tips for your resume: Layout: Consider two or more pages, especially if you are applying for a supervisory or educator position. Cramming years of experience and certifications into a single […]
At the interview stage of the selection and hiring process you already have demonstrated you have the basic qualifications for the job. A primary purpose of the interview is to confirm that your personality and professionalism matches with the employer need and workplace culture. Job recruiters will listen to your answers, but they also pay […]