EMS Tips

How to Make Applesauce

Here’s a really easy recipe for applesauce that you can make at home, the fire station, ambulance station, hunting camp or office. What you’ll need: Apples, washed Slow cooker Food mill Steps to make applesauce Wash apples Cut up apples (be lazy and don’t peel the apples). Slice and dice in any manner you choose. […]

Health and Wellness

Saucing Apples – so kindly stop interrupting

I am saucing 12 pounds of apples tonight. The recipe is simple: 1) wash apples 2) slice apples 3) dice apples 4) microwave apples until mushy. Stir often. 5) scoop apple mush into food mill 6) turn food mill 7) eat, store, or freeze The next Political Committee, Robo calling Governor/Senator/Representative, or Action Group that […]