Book Reviews

Book Review: Poke the Box

[amazon-product text=”Poke the Box” type=”text”]1936719002[/amazon-product] is the first manifesto published by Seth Godin’s new venture the Domino Project. The premise of the book is: 1. You have ideas. 2. Start working on an idea. 3. Ship the results of your idea. 4. Repeat. You can do this. Go. Ship. Now. [amazon-product]1936719002[/amazon-product]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Rescuing Providence

[amazon-product text=”Rescuing Providence” type=”text”]158160629X[/amazon-product] is an outstanding book about working on Rescue 1 in Providence, Rhode Island. Readers follow Lt. Michael Morse on a 36 hour shift through the busy streets of his hometown. Lt. Morse shares his passion for the job and compassion for the people he serves, despite the overwhelming volume of calls […]

Book Reviews Devin Kerins

Book Review: EMS the Job of Your Life by Devin Kerins

by Devin Kerins is a series of stories from the streets of northern New Jersey. The stories are from the author’s own experience, as well as stories told to him by other EMTs and Paramedics in the surrounding area. EMS Version of Reader’s Digest Most of the stories are short – just a few paragraphs […]

Book Reviews Products

Book Review: Critical Care Transport

This is a guest book review by critical care paramedic, Michael Fraley, and critical care transport nurse, Colleen Herda. If you want to guest post or review on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Critical Care Transport (2011) American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American College of Emergency Physicians Series Editor: Andrew N. Pollak, MD, FAAOS […]

Book Reviews Operations

Saving Lives with Checklists

This is a guest post by Timothy Clemans. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. Soon after take off two pilots who had never flown together were faced with a nightmare situation. Their airplane with 155 people on board was falling out of the sky. And it wasn’t […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Frantic by Katherine Howell

[amazon-product text=”Frantic” type=”text”]033045241X[/amazon-product] is the first novel by Australian author and former paramedic, Katherine Howell. The fast-moving plot follows a paramedic, Sophie Phillips, and her police officer husband Chris after he is shot and their one year old son is abducted. Intertwined with Chris and Sophie’s story is the investigation by the detectives assigned to the […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Five Dysfunctions of a Team – a Leadership Fable

Teamwork is an inevitability of all aspects of life – family, school, sports, and work. How many different teams are you on? I joined a new team in early May when I became the Director of Education for CentreLearn Solutions, LLC. A few days after joining the team the company CEO asked me to read […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: A Simple Case of Suicide

[amazon-product text=”A Simple Case of Suicide” type=”text”]0741448815[/amazon-product] is the first book from veteran paramedic Laura Kendall. I describe the book as a mystery/romantic thriller. The heroine of the story, paramedic Kendall Rose, finds herself caught in a suspenseful criminal plot when she goes too far to investigate a drug overdose that has been ruled a simple […]

Book Reviews

Book by Paramedics: Reader Recommendation reader Gary McLean, knowing my fondness for books by Paramedics and/or about EMS, sent me recommendations for these two books. Gary writes: I would add two books to your stack of important reads… [amazon-product text=”Street Dancer” type=”text”]0936174064[/amazon-product] (1990 – JEMS) by one of Oregon’s best paramedics, Keith Neely. I believe this was the first […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: The Perfect Mile

[amazon-product text=”The Perfect Mile” type=”text”]0618562095[/amazon-product] tells the story of three runners – John Landy, Wes Santee, and Roger Banister – that set out in 1952 to run the first mile under four minutes. The book is written in great depth about the personalities, training habits and techniques, races, and other factors in the runner’s lives. Running […]