Everyday EMS Tips writers and subscribers frequently visit our favorite EMS websites for news, resources, information, and community building. Jim Hoffman, a regular contributor and the EMS Professional educator and blogger, added five more websites to our first list of 5 sites for Every EMT.
ParamedicTV.com– Part of EMS1.com but dedicated to videos in the EMS industry. This is like YouTube for EMS. Product reviews, education tips and funny clips.
EMTCity.com – This is a very active EMS forum. Many great EMS professionals frequent this forum and have inspiring views and commentary on a multitude of EMS topics.
EMSNetwork.org – Nice news worthy site with articles, job listings and downloads. They also have a easy to use feed generator that you can add to your site/blog and give your visitors news right on your site.
EMSVillage.com – This is a very comprehensive site with forum, job postings, news, articles and downloads. I like this site but find it hard to navigate at times and many areas require membership. But it is worth a look and your email to join.