Ultrasound! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nam postulant scribentur et, perpetua honestatis vis ex. Suscipit senserit evertitur quo ei, in pro vulputate instructior. Cu dicam principes scripserit pro, id eos alterum cotidieque. Pri purto consectetuer in.t The preceding paragraph is a test of the viral popularity of ultrasound. Based on the wild enthusiasm for ultrasound at EMS […]
Tag: Ultrasound
Ultrasound. Prehospital Ultrasound. Point of Care Ultrasound. POCUS. Oh my … If any term, product or procedure emerged as a dominant theme at EMS World Expo 2016 it was ultrasound. On the second full day of the conference in New Orleans I attended a workshop by Dr. Howie Mell on the implementation and use of ultrasound in […]