Ultrasound. Prehospital Ultrasound. Point of Care Ultrasound. POCUS. Oh my …
If any term, product or procedure emerged as a dominant theme at EMS World Expo 2016 it was ultrasound.
On the second full day of the conference in New Orleans I attended a workshop by Dr. Howie Mell on the implementation and use of ultrasound in a North Carolina county EMS agency.
How EMS ultrasound will transform prehospital care
The more I learn about ultrasound the better I understand and appreciate the value it has for assessment and treatment. The reality of usage is likely to live up to the hype.

Ultrasound was such a dominant theme of the conference I quipped on the Friday morning that through 65 minutes and three different speakers the word ‘ultrasound’ had gone unspoken. Marking the longest sustained pause of ultrasound exuberance.
I have been in 2 sessions this morning. 65 minutes of total presentation without anyone mentioning #Ultrasound or #POCUS #EMSWorldExpo
— Greg Friese, MS, NRP (@gfriese) October 7, 2016